
Spring Cup

The third edition of the Spring Cup will take place on 27 April together with the Spring Ball at the Spirgarten Theatre in Zurich Altstetten. The Zurich Cantonal Standard Championships will be held at the same time. For hobby dancers, there will also be an amateur sports tournament (unlicensed) in Standard and Latin.

The final rounds of the HK B-S Standard and Latin will be held in the evening as part of the Spring Ball programme (probably until 21:15). The evening programme will also feature live dance music and further show performances by the Latin formation and student show group.

Further information about the event can be found on the tournament website




*Hobby tournaments (Standard/Latin, three dances each) for couples without a competition licence. 
Register for these tournaments via the "Register now" link below.


Entry fee

  • CHF 20.00 (CHF 35.00 if starting in more than one category)
  • in the event of late registration, additional CHF 10.00 cleared



Tournament area

17 x 12.5m

Log in

Registration deadline exceeded! No further tournament registration possible!
Please send your late registration or cancellation to

Registration for hobby couples:
In the registration portal, select the licence type "STSV no licence" and the age category "main category", then fill in all fields and continue to the next page by clicking . On the second page, select either "STSV HK Standard" and / or "STSV HK Latin", agree to the privacy policy, continue to the next page with , check the data there and "Send registration".

Late entries are possible via possible.


Daily programme
Door opening8:15
StdPopular sportFinal9:159:25
StdJun / JugDFinal9:259:35
StdSen IC-SFinal9:359:50
Award Ceremony + Dancing In9:5010:05
StdSen II - IVDFinal10:1510:25
StdJun / JugCFinal10:2510:40
Award Ceremony + Dancing In10:4010:55
StdSen II / IIICFinal11:1511:30
StdSen IVC-SFinal11:4512:00
StdJun / JugB-AFinal12:0012:15
Award Ceremony + Dancing In12:1512:40
LatPopular sportFinal12:4012:50
LatSch / Jun / JugDVR12:5013:05
StdSen II / IIIB-SFinal13:0513:20
LatSch / Jun / JugDFinal13:2013:30
Award Ceremony + Dancing In13:3013:45
LatHK / Sen IDVR13:4514:00
LatJun / JugCVR14:0014:20
LatSen IIB-SFinal14:2014:35
LatHK / Sen IDFinal14:3514:45
LatJun / JugCFinal14:4515:00
Award Ceremony + Dancing In15:0015:15
LatSen IC-SFinal15:3515:50
Award Ceremony + Dancing In16:1016:20
Award ceremony 17:1017:20
Evening event

Start list

DisAgeClPartner 1Partner 2Club/Country
StdPopular sportGöbel, Thorevan Buren, MilouDance Quotient Zurich
StdPopular sportHunter, KarlNiese, HannahDance quotient
StdPopular sportKissling, LucaAmrhein, AischaDance Quotient Zurich
StdPopular sportMargiani, TobiasPopp, AntoniaDance quotient
StdPopular sportPechhacker, RainerBosshard, DorisDuZ
StdPopular sportCarpenter, NorioFuchs, Jana LeaDance Quotient Zurich
StdJun / JugDBardola, Laraina LouisaBrem, NolaTTZ
StdJun / JugDCicchino, LeandroMejia Enriquez, HaydeeTTZ
StdJun / JugDDovhal, MatviiLidzar, AnastasiiaDUZ
StdJun / JugDEgger, KianStirnimann, LeaHDB
StdJun / JugDStäbler, MarlonBundi, LadinaTTZ
StdJun / JugDVrastiak, FelixGodenzi, Lara MarieTTZ
StdJun / JugCDe Aza Martinez, SamantaManser, Jolina MarinaTTZ
StdJun / JugCDovbysh, IlliaHorat, LauraUDSC / DUZ
StdJun / JugCFedorenko, ArsenicYermakova, IllirikaUDC / TTZ
StdJun / JugCMarkovskiy, Vladislav SergioFrunz, Elvira SofiaDUZ
StdJun / JugB-ADavydiuk, VladyslavDziubenko, ValentynaDUZ / UDSC
StdJun / JugB-ANovikov, MihailVasileva, TaisiiaDUZ
StdJun / JugB-ASteurer, ArjanMartin, AroaHDB
StdHKDBüchler, BennoKrienbühl-Portmann, Stéphanie MichèleTSCZ
StdHKDCicchino, LeandroMejia Enriquez, HaydeeTTZ
StdHKDGöbel, Thorevan Buren, MilouDance Quotient Zurich
StdHKDHunter, KarlNiese, HannahDance quotient
StdHKDKissling, LucaAmrhein, AischaDance Quotient Zurich
StdHKDSchmid, ThiloZierer, KatharinaDUZ
StdHKCDe Aza Martinez, SamantaManser, Jolina MarinaTTZ
StdHKCDovbysh, IlliaHorat, LauraUDSC / DUZ
StdHKCMunari, Leandro SamueleErsch, Lisa FedericaDUZ
StdHKCPribitzer, ClaudeHofmann, CorinneTTZ / TSCL
StdHKCZwicker, JakobBedner, MagdalenaTanzclub Konstanz (Germany)
StdHKB-SBom, Joostde Waal, RonjaNederland
StdHKB-SDavydiuk, VladyslavDziubenko, ValentynaDUZ / UDSC
StdHKB-SKasilov, VolodymyrThreesome, YuliaDUZ
StdHKB-SPikulin, MikhailChelombitko, YaroslavaTTZ
StdHKB-SSteurer, ArjanMartin, AroaHDB
StdSen IC-SHartheiser, YvesGaspari, AgnesDUZ
StdSen IC-SKünzi, BeatKaufmann, BarbaraTSBE
StdSen IC-SPribitzer, ClaudeHofmann, CorinneTTZ / TSCL
StdSen IC-SSydorov, AndriiMarchewka, MarzenaUDSC / DUZ
StdSen II / III / IVDLinder, StefanStauffacher, AnnetteHDB
StdSen II / III / IVDPechhacker, RainerBosshard, DorisDUZ
StdSen II / III / IVDRoffler, WernerRoffler, KatharinaTTZ
StdSen II / IIICHartheiser, YvesGaspari, AgnesDUZ
StdSen II / IIICWyss, JanWachter, AndreaTSCZ / HDB
StdSen II / IIIB-SBriel, ThiloBriel-Dörflinger, SarahTSCL
StdSen II / IIIB-SKaiser, BorisMathis, HannaTTZ
StdSen II / IIIB-SKünzi, BeatKaufmann, BarbaraTSBE
StdSen II / IIIB-SNovikov, SergeiTreijere, AnnaDUZ
StdSen II / IIIB-SBricklayer, PatrickBricklayer, NathalieDUZ
StdSen IVC-SRechsteiner, KurtSchäfer, Heide-MariaDUZ
StdSen IVC-SRheinberger, RobertRheinberger, AstridTSC Swing and Dance Feldkirch, Austria
StdSen IVC-SViolante, RobertoGuzzo, ElenaDSAT
LatPopular sportBlöchlinger, MarcJensen, NadiaDance quotient
LatPopular sportGöbel, Thorevan Buren, MilouDance Quotient Zurich
LatPopular sportHunter, KarlNiese, HannahDance quotient
LatPopular sportKissling, LucaAugustin, XeniaDance Quotient Zurich
LatPopular sportMargiani, TobiasPopp, AntoniaDance quotient
LatPopular sportSheng, YuguoAmrhein, AischaDance quotient
LatSch / Jun / JugDBardola, Laraina LouisaBrem, NolaTTZ
LatSch / Jun / JugDDe Aza Martinez, SamantaManser, Jolina MarinaTTZ
LatSch / Jun / JugDEgger, KianStirnimann, LeaHDB
LatSch / Jun / JugDLemmerich, LeoTomasik, LauraTDC
LatSch / Jun / JugDMatviienko, AnatolyKau, BeatriceDCNH
LatSch / Jun / JugDParashenko, LeonardMykhailenko, MariiaDUZ / UDSC
LatSch / Jun / JugDStäbler, MarlonBundi, LadinaTTZ
LatSch / Jun / JugDVrastiak, FelixGodenzi, Lara MarieTTZ
LatSch / Jun / JugDZaretskyi, AndriiLeimer, CamillaDCNH
LatJun / JugCCicchino, LeandroMejia Enriquez, HaydeeTTZ
LatJun / JugCDovbysh, IlliaHorat, LauraUDSC / DUZ
LatJun / JugCDovhal, MatviiLidzar, AnastasiiaDUZ
LatJun / JugCFedorenko, ArsenicYermakova, IllirikaUDC / TTZ
LatJun / JugCMarkovskiy, Vladislav SergioFrunz, Elvira SofiaDUZ
LatJunBNovikov, MihailVasileva, TaisiiaDUZ
LatJugB-ADavydiuk, VladyslavDziubenko, ValentynaDUZ / UDSC
LatJugB-ADiachenko, DenysYermakova, ZlataTTZ
LatJugB-AMansueto, FrancescoMaier, EmmaDCNH
LatJugB-ASteurer, ArjanMartin, AroaHDB
LatHK / Sen IDBlöchlinger, MarcJensen, NadiaDance quotient
LatHK / Sen IDBüchler, BennoKrienbühl-Portmann, Stéphanie MichèleTSCZ
LatHK / Sen IDCruz, FelipeMedetti, AliceDSAT
LatHK / Sen IDDe Aza Martinez, SamantaManser, Jolina MarinaTTZ
LatHK / Sen IDGöbel, Thorevan Buren, MilouDance Quotient Zurich
LatHK / Sen IDHunter, KarlNiese, HannahDance quotient
LatHK / Sen IDKissling, LucaAugustin, XeniaDance Quotient Zurich
LatHK / Sen IDNovikov, GlebNovikova, ElenaUDC
LatHK / Sen IDSchmid, ThiloSteiner, JaniceDUZ
LatHK / Sen IDSheng, YuguoAmrhein, AischaDance quotient
LatHK / Sen IDWalser, ChristophKeller, EkaterinaUDC / TTZ
LatHKCCicchino, LeandroMejia Enriquez, HaydeeTTZ
LatHKCDovbysh, IlliaHorat, LauraUDSC / DUZ
LatHKCHellings, ChristophCsiba, AnnamáriaDUZ
LatHKCMunari, Leandro SamueleErsch, Lisa FedericaDUZ
LatHKB-SCiavarrella, AngeloSalietti, WendyDSAT
LatHKB-SCortese, PakySchaffner, Valeria AlenaDCNH
LatHKB-SDavydiuk, VladyslavDziubenko, ValentynaDUZ / UDSC
LatHKB-SDiachenko, DenysYermakova, ZlataTTZ
LatHKB-SViolinist, TristanPisarenko, CatherineTTZ
LatHKB-SSiegwolf, FlorianHamouda, NadiaTSA of SV Alemannia Müllheim
LatHKB-SSteurer, ArjanMartin, AroaHDB
LatSen IC-SCiavarrella, AngeloSalietti, WendyDSAT
LatSen IC-SKazeka, SerhiiFischer, OksanaTSC Blau-Gold Dornbirn-Lustenau-Koblach, Austria
LatSen IC-SKiraly, AndreasKoplik, AnyaDUZ / TSCZ
LatSen IIB-SBricklayer, PatrickBricklayer, NathalieDUZ
LatSen IIB-SNovikov, SergeiTreijere, AnnaDUZ
LatSen IIB-SSudholt, FrankSudholt, WibkeDUZ


27 Apr 2024


09:00 - 17:30

More Info

Tournament website


Hotel Spirgarten Altstetten
Lindenplatz 5, 8048 Zurich


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